
Literalism: Reading Machines Reading

My current book project is about the various textual formalisms that undergird machine reading and writing. Read more here.

Digital Projects (Selected)

The English Broadside Ballad Archive +

Digitizing, transcribing, and creating analytical tools for over 9,000 seventeenth-century ballads.

The Maker Lab +

Printing post-digitally, with 3D printers, woodblocks, type, and a pull press.

.notyetdef +

Generating asemic glyphs with neural networks trained on Unicode-enabled fonts.

Shared Cataloging of Early Printed Images +

Linking together image collections with computer vision and natural language processing.

wateReview +

Surveying a corpus of water management articles from Latin America.

WhatEvery1Says +

Text mining hundreds of thousands of media articles that discuss the humanities.

Gallery, Sketches, and More

This gallery hosts examples of a number of my smaller digital interventions and explorations (along with selected work from the projects above). Supporting code for these projects may be found on my GitHub Account.